In this book there are four different cat clans, each clan lives in the forest and obeys the ancient laws set down by their ancestors.
The main characters are first, and ordinary house cat named Rusty.He has orange fur and green eyes. In this book he joins Thunderclan (one of the four clans) and he gets a clan name, Firepaw. The second main character is Bluestar, the leader of Thunderclan, she has pretty silver fur.And the last character is Graypaw, Firepaw's best friend.
One night, Rusty is drawn to the forest after dreaming about it for several weeks.There he meets Bluestar and Graypaw and has to decide whether or not to join Thunderclan, it would mean a whole new life for this pampered house cat. Meanwhile, Thunderclan is in grave danger, and the treacherous Shadowclan grows stronger. When Rusty finally makes his decision and joins Thunder- clan, he learns there's a traitor in his midst.
Love your blog. You have read so many book, your insight into kids books would be great. Do you think Kaitlyn would like this book? Did you like this book? What was you favorite part without giving a spoil away? Do you have a rating scale? Like 3 out of 5 Books (Stars)?
ReplyDeleteYes, I LOVE this book!(it's actually a series) I re-read it about every 3 months I love it so much!I think Kaitlyn would really enjoy these books, however, there are some fights but nothing gory until the last book, it does get really intense and a couple of cats die cruelly.But other than that, they are really fun. I don't have a favorite part,it's all really fun.And I give it 4 out of five stars. Say hi to Kaitlyn for me!