The Case of the Missing Moonstone is an exiting mystery novel by Jordan Stratford. This story takes place in 18th century London.
Although this book is a fictional book, it is about two real people, Ada Lovelace and Mary Shelly. Ada Lovelace, who grows up to be the world's first computer programmer, is eleven years old. She is also super smart and loves to read books in her hot air balloon, which she made herself. But she is also a bit awkward and isolated. The second character, Mary Shelly, who grows up to be the author of "Frankenstein", is fourteen years old. She is very kind and romantic, but also very adventurous and is Ada's one true friend. The third character is Percy Snagsby, or as Ada calls him, Peebs. Peebs is Ada and Mary's tutor. He is tall with blue eyes and sandy hair.
Ada and Mary meet and decide to start the Wollstonecraft detective agency, under the names of Ms.Ribbon and Ms.Newdog. And soon they find their first case: Rebecca Verdigris has been robbed right under her own nose!And to make matters worse, Rebecca's trusted maid and friend has confessed even thought Rebecca knows she's innocent! What's going on? Can Ada and Mary solve this mystery without exposing themselves?
I loved this book! It's an easy read and really fun. My favorite part is when they solve the mystery, and they get some new additions to their agency. I recommend this book to anyone looking for a funny mystery novel.
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